AdvicePay Financial Advisor Community Blog

Shannon Beck

Shannon Beck
In her role, Shannon oversees all aspects of AdvicePay’s marketing and brand communications. Her experience in marketing for continuing education and tech companies means that she’s both a learner and a teacher through her work. When she’s not using her creative skills to help folks learn about AdvicePay and how to get the most out of it, you can find her kayaking, camping, and trying out new recipes with her husband. Born in Baltimore, she’s still an avid Raven’s fan, cheering from Montana.
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Recent Posts

Why Giving Away Financial Planning for Free May Hurt Your Practice

October 31, 2023 By: Shannon Beck

If you are still relying solely on the sale of products and working with clients through AUM (Assets Under Management), then you know that for most of its history, "getting paid" for financial planning has really been about giving away financial planning...

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Topics: Practice Management, Case Studies, Fee-For-Service, Sales, Enterprise

Evaluating Your Billing & Payment Solution: Key Questions to Ask As a Financial Advisor

September 14, 2023 By: Shannon Beck

Selecting the right billing and payment solution for your firm is crucial. 

Seriously, this decision can make or break your efficiency, client satisfaction, and overall success. So, as you’re going through the process of evaluating different solutions,...

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Topics: Fee-For-Service, Integrations

The Power of Niche Marketing as a Financial Advisor

August 09, 2023 By: Shannon Beck

Many financial advisors grapple with the idea of focusing on a niche. You may fear that narrowing your target market will limit your opportunities for growth and success. However, research and experience show that the opposite is true. Focusing on a...

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Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service

How to Generate 5-Figure Flat Fees for Service: A Conversation with Michael Kitces & Bill Bachrach

March 14, 2022 By: Shannon Beck

Last week, we sat down with Michael Kitces and Bill Bachrach and had a conversation all about fee-for-service.

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Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Client Relationships

Best Of the AdvicePay Blog 2021

January 06, 2022 By: Shannon Beck

It’s hard to believe that we are waving goodbye to 2021 and entering a new year! As a final send-off, we’ve compiled our top 10 most-read blogs of 2021. It’s a great way to reflect on the year, and also gives you a chance to peruse any articles you may...

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Topics: Marketing, Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Sales

Webinar Replay: A Conversation with Michael Kitces & Bill Bachrach

November 18, 2021 By: Shannon Beck

Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to sit down with industry experts Michael Kitces and Bill Bachrach for a conversation all about fee-for-service.

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Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Client Relationships

Standout Quotes From our Webinar,"Scaling Financial Planning Into a Revenue Center for Your Enterprise"

June 24, 2021 By: Shannon Beck

The financial planning business model is swiftly evolving. Gone are the days of when it was a time-consuming and complex loss-leader! In 2021 it is now being powered by advanced technology to become a highly lucrative fee-based revenue stream.

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, Fee-For-Service

Our Top 10 Blogs of 2020

January 14, 2021 By: Shannon Beck

In 2020, we covered a lot on our blog —fee-for-service tactics, marketing strategies, virtual work tips, pricing strategies, and more!As we jump into a new year, let's review our top 10 most-read blog posts of 2020.

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Topics: Marketing, Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Client Relationships

Free Tools to Step Up Your Marketing Game

November 23, 2020 By: Shannon Beck

If you are a financial advisor hoping to grow your business, it is imperative that you have a marketing plan in place. The value of effective marketing is irreplaceable -- it helps you cultivate your client base, maintain your brand, and grow your...

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Topics: Marketing, Practice Management

How to Market Yourself Virtually as a Financial Advisor

October 07, 2020 By: Shannon Beck

It is no secret that 2020 has pushed many advisors into going virtual. It is also no secret that people need financial advice now more than ever. So, as a financial advisor, how do you sell and market yourself to prospective clients virtually? Check out...

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Topics: Marketing, Practice Management