AdvicePay Fee-Based Planning Blog

Overnight Innovation: Ship-It Day

October 09, 2019 By Shannon Beck
Shannon Beck


At AdvicePay, we are always looking for new ways to challenge ourselves and improve our current processes. One way we accomplish this is by hosting a "Ship-It Day" twice a year. 

What is Ship-It Day?

On Ship-It Day, everyone on our team works on any project they want with any team member they want. It is a great opportunity for team members who don't typically work together to collaborate. Ship-It Day is focused on sparking innovation and usually results in our team delivering a lot of work in a short amount of time. In fact, that's why we call it Ship-It Day -- by the end of the day, your project must be "delivered" to the rest of team.

Ship it day 1


What Came Out of Ship-It Day October 2019

Recently, we hosted Ship-It Day at our office and our team spent the entire day working on projects. Some used the day to catch up on internal initiatives, while others chose to bring new projects to life!  Ship-It Day not only benefits our internal team (i.e. kegerator in the office), but it also benefits you -- the advisor!


What Has Come to You Courtesy of Ship-It Day

  • AdvicePay Fee Calculator Resources & Templates
  • Security Awareness Training
  • AdvicePay SWAG
  • Updated Website


What Makes Ship-It Day Fun

One of the best parts of Ship-It Day is that we wrap up the day with a party! After presentations, the vibe is energetic and having a team party is a great way to continue the excitement from the day.

Team Photo


So, what are you waiting for? Host your own Ship-It Day and complete the projects that have been on your ongoing to-do list. Maybe you have been wanting to start a blog, develop an internship program, or create your own fee calculator templates! Setting aside even a portion of your day is a great way to spark creativity and deliver innovation overnight.


Posted by Shannon Beck

In her role, Shannon oversees all aspects of AdvicePay’s marketing and brand communications. Her experience in marketing for continuing education and tech companies means that she’s both a learner and a teacher through her work. When she’s not using her creative skills to help folks learn about AdvicePay and how to get the most out of it, you can find her kayaking, camping, and trying out new recipes with her husband. Born in Baltimore, she’s still an avid Raven’s fan, cheering from Montana.

Topics: AdvicePay Culture