In the past, I’ve written about incorporating fee-for-service offerings for existing AUM clients as a way to add flexibility to your fee structure and drive revenue. From Quickstart Sessions to 401(k) advice, there are a number of ways you as an advisor...
Over at AdvicePay, our entire team has been buzzing about the launch of our newest feature: Deliverables!
Topics: Practice Management, Enterprise
Trust is a financial advisor’s most valuable asset. Building trust in every step of a client’s journey from the very beginning of the relationship creates a long-lasting and authentic partnership. With an ever-changing financial advisory landscape in...
Topics: Practice Management, Client Relationships
Here at AdvicePay, we genuinely believe in the fee-for-service planning model and how it can successfully grow and scale your business. More and more, we are seeing that clients want advisors to justify their fees and provide more value than just their...
Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service
While the fee-for-service revolution continues to change the landscape of financial planning, many advisors aren’t quite sure how to incorporate it seamlessly into their practice. It can seem daunting to change your current way of doing business, or even...
Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service
As a financial advisor, selling yourself is a considerable portion of your job. While selling yourself can sometimes feel daunting and involve continual shifts in strategy, you can expedite your journey to perfecting your sales approach by identifying...
Topics: Practice Management, Client Relationships, Sales
Are you considering switching or adding fee-for-service planning to your practice? Or have you recently transitioned to become fee-only? The freedom to set your upfront and recurring fees is a huge benefit but can also be daunting if you are just getting...
Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service
As the financial planning industry is continuously evolving, which has been amplified in response to the pandemic and a rapidly growing number of clients in the X and Y generations, the monthly retainer model has become the preferred fee structure for...
Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service
The world is a much different place than it was five or ten years ago. Really, a lot has changed in just one single year. Technology’s already quick takeover saw an immediate uptick when so many companies went remote due to COVID-19. Although the dust...
Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise
How to Sell Yourself as a Financial Advisor: Tips From a Sales Expert
Are you looking to revamp your sales tactics? Is it time to revisit how you present yourself and your services to prospective clients? Keep reading to check out some helpful tips so you can make sure you’re selling yourself with confidence, ease, and...
Topics: Practice Management, Sales