AdvicePay Financial Advisor Community Blog

How Fee-For-Service Billing Keeps Clients Fully Invested For the Market Recovery

August 26, 2022 By: AdvicePay

Stock market declines are a part of the long-term investing process, and unfortunately, nobody can consistently predict when and by how much the next significant drawdown will be. 

Financial professionals encourage long-term investors with prudent advice...

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, User Experience, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise

How to Create an Annual Client Service Calendar for Financial Planning Engagements

July 14, 2022 By: AdvicePay

The adoption of the fee-for-service financial planning model is changing the dynamics of business operations inside wealth management firms. As low-cost online automated investment services have increased competition for portfolio management and asset...

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, User Experience, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise

How to Charge for Fee-for-Service Financial Planning 💵

July 07, 2022 By: AdvicePay

The financial services industry is constantly evolving, and one of the evolutions underway right now is the rapid growth of the fee-for-service financial planning business model. For more than 80 years, financial professionals have been charging clients...

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, User Experience, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise

Webinar Recap: Highlights From our Enterprise Roundtable 📢

June 22, 2022 By: AdvicePay

Powered by innovative technologies, the financial planning business model is rapidly evolving into a sustainable fee-based revenue stream. 

The financial services enterprise companies that have already empowered their advisors to implement the latest...

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise

Services You Can Provide Under the Fee-for-Service Model

June 09, 2022 By: AdvicePay

As your firm introduces fee-for-service financial planning to your clients, you may be considering a variety of services to offer that align with your areas of expertise as well as the interests of clients. This overlap is known as the product-market...

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Topics: Compliance, Retainer Model, Practice Management, User Experience, Fee-For-Service, Enterprise

April 2022 Quarterly Release Notes

April 06, 2022 By: Erika Madden

Welcome to AdvicePay’s quarterly release notes! After a break this winter to give our team the space to focus on some big projects, we’re ushering in spring with a full tour of the most popular new features. We’ve got updates all over our platform, so...

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Topics: Release Notes

How to Generate 5-Figure Flat Fees for Service: A Conversation with Michael Kitces & Bill Bachrach

March 14, 2022 By: Shannon Beck

Last week, we sat down with Michael Kitces and Bill Bachrach and had a conversation all about fee-for-service.

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Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service, Client Relationships

Celebrating $200 Million in Financial Planning Fees + A Message From Alan Moore, CEO

March 10, 2022 By: AdvicePay

Cue the confetti, because today we are celebrating a major milestone! 🎉 AdvicePay has officially processed over $200 million in financial planning fees!

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Topics: Fee-For-Service

How to Structure and Establish Pricing

February 23, 2022 By: Honor Randall

Without a doubt, one of the top questions we hear from advisors implementing fee-for-service is, “How do I structure and establish my pricing?” 

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Topics: Practice Management, Fee-For-Service

Reflections on AdvicePay’s 15th Quarterly Team Retreat

February 09, 2022 By: Erika Madden

Here at AdvicePay our team just wrapped up our 15th quarterly retreat at our office headquarters in beautiful Bozeman, Montana.

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Topics: AdvicePay Culture